Dedicated Server

Get exclusive access to your dedicated server with customized settings to not risk your business’s performance.
Dedicated Server

Dedicated Server Hosting Plans And Pricing

We have curated comprehensive and unbeatable pricing plans for our reliable and efficient dedicated hosting solutions. Discover your seamless control with our perfect hosting plans and pricing tailored to your needs.
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All Plans Include

We have designed plans to include rich features in our hosting packages to establish your successful online presence.
We ensure that your business experiences a dedicated hosting environment with a user-friendly interface.
Dedicated Server

Easy-To-Use Control Panel

We configure your server resources with an intuitive control panel.

Dedicated Server

State-Of-The-Art Tech

We feature the latest generation of processors with high-speed storage options.

Virtual Private Server

Built In Security

We enable customized security features like firewalls anti malware scanning.

Dedicated Server

99.9% Server Uptime

Our reliable dedicated server remains accessible to all users while maximizing productivity.

Dedicated Server

SSD Or HDD – Your Choice

Maintain your perfect balance between performance, capacity and cost with SSD or HDD.

Dedicated Server

Free SSL Certificate

We provide free SSL Certificate with dedicated IP address to enhance your security.

Seamless Integration, Maximum Control

Experience exceptional integration and control with our dedicated server solutions. Seamlessly combine your applications, databases, and websites onto a devoted server environment, providing a unified platform for streamlined operations. With controlled management over your server configuration, you can customize settings, set up software, and optimize overall performance to meet your actual needs. Say goodbye to compatibility issues and limitations imposed by way of shared hosting environments and liberate the complete capacity of your infrastructure with devoted servers.
Dedicated Server
Dedicated Server

Unleash the Potential with Hostflipper

Unleash the full capacity of your enterprise with Hostflipper’s dedicated server solutions. With blazing-fast performance, reliable uptime, and scalable assets, our dedicated servers empower you to take your operations to new heights with unparalleled reliability and protection that comes with dedicated servers. Whether you have a website with huge website traffic coming in, you are employing resource-extensive applications, or run a real-time database, Hostflipper’s dedicated servers provide the performance and stability you want to thrive in a competitive panorama.